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I am a 27 year-old professional from Toronto, Canada. I'm intrigued by language and driven by detail, so quality editing and proofreading come natural to me. I have a BA in political science, and an editing certificate from George Brown College. I am well-educated in production editing, content editing, indexing, and copyright law—to name a few. However, I shine the brightest in copy editing and proofreading. 

I typically edit according to Canadian Press Style and Chicago Manual Style; however, I have experience with unique corporate writing standards and style sheets, and I certainly don't limit my skills to Canadian projects.

To date, my experience as an editor includes improving projects of my own, online magazine articles, magazine spreads, interviews, blog posts, doctors' health letters, and medical transcriptions.


The quality in my work stems from my belief that editing is a technical art-form that requires the same degree of skill and passion as visual art. Further, I've been grateful enough to work with—and learn from—amazing people who have taught me a lot about their respective professions. This is what keeps me fueled! 


My current endeavors include traveling and learning French (knowing the basics just won't cut it!). As my political science background hasn't escaped me, I also look forward to writing featured articles for publications focused on race relations in the Caribbean, and the Caribbean diaspora. 

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